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In the future where will I be?…
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I really don’t know. I try hard to avoid thinking about it so that I do not have more white hair than I should have for my age! Sometimes late at night when I cannot sleep, the unavoidable question comes back. The only way to resolve this problem of course is to run and swim as hard as I can during the day so that when the night comes, I have no choice but to sleep. Sometimes I wish I am different. I wish I do not have these psycho-depressive behaviors.
The “hidden Eden” photo at Mt Barney got picked up by the organizer again to be the welcome picture. Many of my pictures were chosen and I am very proud of them. I have a natural feeling for things that are beautiful. Even for my work, the pictures just look perfect. The perfect blue drop is an example of my desire to look for perfection. I could not stop until I got the perfect drop (3 days!)
Today I had a good swim with Peter. It is now a confirmation, I got much faster. I can keep up with him at any pace and at any length. Happy! Happy! Happy Me!