Anne and Fabien are back from their trip. I stole few really nice pictures from them for my blog (theirs is down btw!) I might go to Kangaroo island sometimes later. One day seems to be enough to visit the whole place, Anne told me. More Pictures: LINK


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It was very good and I enjoyed the 3D effects, quite impressive. The story was a bit sad but it will keep your attention all the way. The next movie for me will be the Golden Compass (Dec. 26). I have a problem at one of my tooth and it seems bad. I do not […]

“Stronger” by Inez: LINK I play this song in circle since my brother sent it to me. Very addictive rhythm.

More Hair!

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I am the only person I know who will leave Australia with more hair than he had when he first arrived. I also got a tan and I swim like a fish nowadays. My running is probably worse than before because I had some minor injuries.

Unbelievable but time flies so fast! I really have the impression it’s been only few months ago since I landed in Brisbane International Airport. All these flatmates I shared with, two taiwanese students (1 month and half); a profession worker called Hugo Marais (7 months); a german couple (4 months); a UQ student called Marco […] with Hostname: I am curious because you, my mystery reader, are quite regular on my blog but I do not know you besides your IP address.  Maybe you can tell me whether you know me and give me hints about your identity, your blog link?

I was very tired this morning. I had a strange dream in which I saw myself and my family back in the old times when we started our lives in France. Nothing sad or happy about the dream but for some reason it was very clear. It means I guess that I did not sleep […]

I downloaded this book to learn more about photography: US Navy Training Course: Photography (Basic). It reminds me a lot my school books from my preparation school for high level mathematics. The book is very precise and easy to follow. I knew all the basic theory at one time in my life but it is […]

oubli125 Alter, that is my name on second life. There is a free basic subscription and I want to try it out for a while. I converted Eno to a web 2.0 user!

This is about the time you have to take a good photo in real life. Photography is fun. A lot of satisfaction when you get a very good shot. 1/225 sec was the time I had to get my perfect water drop! I am very happy with my photos yesterday. I will go and wander […]

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