TO-DO List!

Filed Under Daily

On this beautiful and relaxing Sunday afternoon, I am a happy man. That’s right! All the little annoying things I wanted to do and never got around to do them were finally done. Here is the full list:

#1: I finally painted the number 4 on my trash bin with the french flag colors. Now people will know it belongs to flat #4.

#2: I cleaned up the backyard. The bloke above my flat kept on throwing stuffs. He said it is for the possum but no possum would eat that!

#3: I bought a carpet for the front door. The bloke above me again threw away my old one!

#4: I took away a mass of blond hair on my bathroom window. I could not reach it from inside and had to use a long stick outside.

#5: I bought new brush heads for my Sonic electrical toothbrush. Have I told you it works with sound? Yes!!!! I am very sophisticated.

#6: I cleaned up the garage. I made sure the spiders had time to move away from their web. I would like to keep them for the flies!

7# I bought new soap powders for the washing machine. It was quite heavy to carry home!

#8 I finally synchronised my web and photos folders! I am always afraid of loosing my latest data and modifications.

#9 I upgraded WordPress to version 2.3.1 and everything is working GREAT! Excellent!

There you go. All done! Time for a new TO-DO list.


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