So I ordered my Nikon D200 and the 18-200 mm DX VR lens separately. The total price is about $2800. This is my biggest bid on ebay ever. I am keeping my fingers crossed! I do not want any problem with any of these items. They are way too expensive and I am hoping they will arrive quickly. The shipping cost is very expensive!

If everything comes as expected I will be taking tons of pictures of …..MEEEEEEEEEEEE! HAHA!


3 Responses to “My biggest bid ever!”

  1. Anne on October 24th, 2007 10:43 pm

    You should update your ‘about’ with :

    18. I am a narcissic person

  2. Kegel on October 25th, 2007 4:59 am

    I agree.

  3. admin on October 25th, 2007 9:59 am

    /me Is there a smell of jealousy in the air?

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