Nils’ new hobby! If I understand correctly it is a board game but you paint/make your own units the way you want them to be and when you play, they do possess the weapons/attributes you gave them. The whole set costs more than $200…most of it was a BD present (he turned 19 last Saturday!). I think it is cool! He is doing the hormagaunt!


I am not the only strange person in this apartment! Lots of concentration tonight for Nils on the balcony. I cannot wait to see the whole set painted.

More about Nils: Link


One Response to “Warhammer 40000, Tyranids”

  1. Anne on October 11th, 2007 6:51 pm

    Moi qui plaignait Nils de t’avoir en colloc… tous des gens bizarres dans cet appart…

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