
Filed Under Daily

It is really raining free money to my bank account.
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Life is all about luck!
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How did I know that Eutelsat stocks would grow? I had been reading about OneWeb before the Covid-19 pandemic. They went bankrupt and were bought by Eutelsat for all the right reasons. Of course, Eutelsat stock options went down until the US changed its strategic position regarding Ukraine. That’s when I saw a 47% return on my investment after four years of research! My intuition was 47% right. :).
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stOcks & OpTIoNs!

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Quietly very very happy!
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I noticed that after a good sleep, all my negative thoughts were gone. I also got new ideas on how to tackle problems and I look forward to my next day.
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besT ScoREs!

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It will be very hard to beat this week’s sleeping scores! Everything was at its highest level!
Highest sleep score: 93
Highest average sleep score (7 days): 78
Sleep duration: 8 hours and 21 minutes

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14080 eUrOs!

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In 2025, I paid a hefty price for having two cars, a Toyota Yaris and an Aygo: a total of 14,080 euros. However, it is very nice having a spare, almost new car for peace of mind. I really do not care much about my old Yaris.
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It is almost a perfect sleep: Excellent everywhere!
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bAck to School!

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It is very hard to set my mind back to work and prepare my teaching materials. I am glad I did most of the hard work before vacation for some classes already. Usually, the last few days before school starts were very painful with grading. Glad that it is done!
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Light therapy has done miracles for my sleep consistency!
Average Bedtime: 8:53 PM
Average Wake Time: 5:02 AM
Average Sleep Duration: 7 hours and 37 minutes
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keep looking »